Senior Program Specialist (Priority Setting & Program Development) – SAARC Agriculture Centre

Posted March 14, 2025 by SAARC Agriculture Centre

Closing Date : April 20, 2025

Senior Program Specialist (Priority Setting & Program Development) – SAARC Agriculture Centre


Qualification and Experience:

  • PhD in Agricultural Economics/ Economics/ Development Studies with 12 years experience or Masters with a good academic record in the above disciplines with 15 years experience.



  • The person should be specialized in policy planning, priority setting, program/project evaluation, implementation, monitoring and impact analysis of the program /projects and in report preparation and presentation.
  • Skills in program monitoring and impact assessment will be an additional qualification.


Brief Job Description:

  • As a senior member of the division, he/she should be able to perform and initiate programs/activities in the area of policy issues in agriculture and related fields and analyze the impact of those executed programs/activities.
  • Accomplish the divisional responsibility through building partnerships in different fields of agriculture including material, knowledge and technology transfer Implement the concept of leading country/agency-based program development and leading in international forums on issues of regional interest.
  • Timely publication of reports, papers, books, policy briefs and any other relevant documents as and when assigned by the competent authority.


Age Limit:

  • Not more than 55 (fifty-five) years.


General Information:


Preference will b@ given to persons having work experience, in related fields as well as in the National Agricultural Research System (NARS}/ Extension service/donor agencies. Must obtain minimum 2nd class/ division in all stages of academic records.


Age And qualification may be relaxed for highly deserving candidates.


Application in the prescribed form (available at the SAARC Division of Foreign  External Affairs, Ministry of SMRC Member Countries and also at the SAC web site_ duly filled in by the applicant with recommendations by the competent authorities should reach to the Director, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), BARC Complex, Farmgate, Dhaka - 1215.


The closing date for receipt of applications (hard/soft copy) at SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) shall be 10th April 2025 for advance copy and 20th April 2025 for proper channel copy. The application(s) not received in SAC by the above-prescribed closing date(s) shall be summarily rejected, without any notice A candidate, who anticipates a delay in forwarding his /her application by his/her employer, may send an 'Advance Copy' of application(s) to the SAC by the said closing date.


However, while sending the '.Advance Copy' of application(s) directly to the SAC by the closing date, the candidate should append a certificate in his/her advance copy of the application indicating clearly therein that he/she has intimated his/her controlling authority/employer of the same and has also simultaneously submitted original applicat[on for the said post to his/her controlling authority/ employer with a request to forward the same as application "Through Proper Channel" so as to reach SAC office positively with[n 10 days after the closing date, i.e., by 30th April 2025, otherwise it would be summarily rejected without any notice.

සෑලකිය යුතුයි : අපි ඔබව මෙම රැකියාව උපුටා ගත් පිටුවට හරවා යවන්නෙමු . අපි ඔබ වෙනුවෙන් ඔබේ CV , තොරතුරු අදාළ ආයතනය වෙත නොයවන බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න

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