3,000 Grama Niladhari (GS) Vacancies Island wide 2025
There are over 3,000 vacancies for Grama Niladaris across the country, Minister of Public Administration, Provincial Councils, and Local Government, Chandana Abeyratne, said yesterday. Thus, one Grama Niladari is compelled to oversee duties in several divisions, Abeyratne said.
“We will take immediate steps to fill these vacancies.’’
Abeyratne said the government would also resolve several issues faced by the Grama Niladaris, such as the establishment of a Service Constitution for them.
“The Grama Niladhari Service Constitution has been approved by the Public Service Commission, following the approval of the Cabinet Ministers. We will soon meet trade union representatives to discuss this document and to make necessary changes,” he said.
Organization: Public Admin Ministry
Vacancies: 3000
Source: island.lk