5 Ways to Ease Your Interview Anxiety
It is normal to feel anxious before going to an interview. You might feel butterflies in your stomach and think that everything you prepared for is erasing from your mind. But there are ways to avoid these feelings and perform well in an interview. In fact, feeling anxious can make you perform well if you learn how to harness it.
A job interview is a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer. Its purpose is to assess whether the applicant can be hired or not. The interview is usually preceded by the evaluation of submitted resumes of interested candidates, possibly by examining job applications or reading many resumes. But the most important part is after this screening because only a small number of candidates will be selected for the interview. So grab a notebook and take notes because the below tips are going to save you from the interview anxiety you will feel right before you attend one.
Reduce external pressures
This involves reducing external pressures like, what you are going to be wearing and how you will be performing. Lookup for the best options available online or asks for an opinion from someone suitable for outfit suggestions. That way you do not have to keep wondering about your outfit for the most part instead of getting ready for the interview. Also, do not practice your hand gestures and other performing tactics. Be natural and answer the questions freely.
Prepare for Success
Getting organized - is a way to prepare for success. It is a great way to help you feel calm and confident before going into an interview. So make sure you have your documents and other requirements in place before you walk in.
Practice interview questions - One of the best ways to practice for an interview question is using the days leading up to your interview to run your answers by a friend or family member. Let them answer the possible question and you can give your responses.
Researching your organization or business before going to the interview can increase your confidence about what they do and what they look for in their employees. There are different factors you will investigate when researching a company. But generally, you will look into the understanding of its history, culture, directors etc...
Finally, you will want to be familiar with the job description. Read through aspects of the role carefully and make sure you understand what they would expect. If you are not sure about something you can always ask questions at the end of the interview.
Release your nervous energy
To make sure that you do not let your nervous energy get the better of you on the day of the interview, we suggest doing an activity that is calming or will help you let the nervous energy go. Go for a run, meditate or do something you will enjoy. This will help you relax and refocus.
If you feel nervous in the middle of the interview stop and take a deep breath. It may sound simple, but it can help you calm down. Breathing helps you slow down your thoughts, reduces their intensity on your nervous system.
Take perspective
While you may have your heart set on one role. We say it is important to take a broad perspective rather than putting pressure on yourself to work only around this interview or opportunity. We say that there are always new opportunities. So even if you do not get this position, you will have gained the experience and your network will have broadened as a result. Let your mind think about other opportunities that are out there and that you can always go for them too. That way it will help you to ease the pressure you feel regarding this one interview.
It is normal to feel anxious or nervous before or during an interview. While there is no single best way to manage feelings of anxiety, implementing these simple strategies can help you to prepare to face an interview with a little more ease and confidence.